World Text awarded SMS contract from Gateshead Council

World-Text are pleased to announce they have been awarded a 24 month exclusive contract to supply bulk SMS services to Gateshead Council.

Expected use is for appointment reminders, course and event publicity, local emergency broadcasts, staff organisation, debt management and internal use.

SMS text messaging and particularly personalised text messaging have repeatedly shown significant benefits in reducing missed appointments, time-sensitive information, and debt management.

Gateshead Council provides ICT services to other local organisations including Schools and Academies, Northumbria Police, The NewcastleGateshead Initiative and The Gateshead Housing Company.

These other organisations are expected to use the SMS project once the initial phase of implementation is complete.

For more information of World Text’s bulk SMS services, see our Bulk SMS Page.

World Text have been specialists in SMS Text Messaging for over a decade. Bulk SMS, two way SMS, and APIs for text messaging to and from the cloud. World Text have a solution whenever you want to send or receive text messages without a handset.

World-Text have built a network based on reliability. It’s the reason we’re the chosen supplier to SARCALL used by many UK Search and Rescue groups and the 999 Emergency services, and many other critical operations where delivery is essential.